Roles and Responsibilities

Roles and Responsibilities

The use of Pawsey Supercomputing Research Centre is subject to set of policies. These policies are there to ensure that resources are being utilised fairly, efficiently and according to regulations set by governments. All systems available at Pawsey are shared among multiple projects and researchers. All researchers as Pawsey citizens are required to comply with Pawsey policies. Projects organise researchers into groups and each group has a leader and optionally can have multiple admins. This allows researchers to collaborate on their research goals, but also creates certain hierarchies and roles in the project. Every role in the project relates to certain responsibilities. Often these responsibilities of leaders (Principal Investigators) and admins (Authorised Administrators) are missed or not understood well. Failure to follow these responsibilities might lead to significant issues, including:

  • Misuse of resources by project members leading to a significant reduction of available Service Units (SU) for the entire project,

  • Breach of Pawsey policies by one or more of the project members (e.g. account sharing) leading to account/s being locked,

  • Use of Pawsey resources for non-research purpose resulting from one of the project members moving to a new role e.g. in industry.

This page summarises the most important definitions of roles and their responsibilities.

Project roles

From an administrative perspective each project has the following roles:

  • Principal Investigator (PI) or Lead Chief Investigator (Lead CI)

  • Authorised Administrator

  • Project Member

Project Member Responsibilities

All members of the project must:

  • Comply with Pawsey’s Conditions of Use and all Pawsey Policies.

  • Manage their access according to Pawsey's Password Standard.

  • Inform Pawsey and the Principal Investigator of the project of any institutional changes (moving to new position, institution or role) that occurred during the time of the project’s allocation. This should be done by raising ticket through the Pawsey Help Desk (help@pawsey.org.au) with the PI added to the ticket (Cc them in the email to the Help Desk).

  • Inform Pawsey and the Principal Investigator of any incidents or breaches of Conditions of Use or Policies that have occurred within the project. This should be done by raising ticket through the Help Desk (help@pawsey.org.au) with the PI added to the ticket (Cc them in the email to the Help Desk).

Moving to a new institution usually has important implications in relation to project management and data ownership.

Authorised Administrator

Authorised Administrators have specific project administration responsibilities that are outlined on the Project Administration page. As they are also part of the project, they must fulfil all the above mentioned Regular Member responsibilities. In addition, they must:

  • Ensure every new project member (added to the project through the process described on the Project Administration page) complies with the Conditions of Use.

  • Ensure the list of project members is current. Project members who are no longer authorised to be part of the project (e.g. researcher moving to a different role or institution) but still remain in the project may use the overall project quota and could get access to project data and software.

It is considered good practice to regularly monitor project membership. This significantly reduces risks related to inappropriate access to compute and data resources at Pawsey. If in doubt, raise any issue with the PI directly or with Pawsey through our Help Desk at help@pawsey.org.au

Principal Investigator’s Responsibilities

Principal Investigators have the same responsibilities as Authorised Administrators and in addition they are:

  • Accountable for any policy breach or misuse of Pawsey systems by any member of their project,

  • Required to engage with Pawsey to resolve any potential issues and conflicts resulting from any policy breach or misuse of Pawsey systems by any member of their project.

In the case of any significant issue with the use of Pawsey services, Pawsey will always involve the PI in any communication sent to the project member. If the issue cannot be resolved, Pawsey will involve the PI’s institution to seek their support.


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