Job Scheduling and Partitions Use Policies

Job Scheduling and Partitions Use Policies

Debug and Development Partitions

To ensure the debug and development partitions are available for use by Pawsey researchers, they are strictly reserved for the following activities:

  • Code porting
  • Code debugging
  • Code development
  • Job script/workflow management script porting, debugging and/or development

These partitions must not be used for the following activities:

  • Production runs (i.e., jobs that are intended to generate final results or data for publication, reporting, or use in further analysis)
  • Preparatory or test runs, including but not limited to:
    • Warm-up/generation of initial conditions for simulations
    • Testing configurations, searching for optimal/stabilitiy parameters, or setting up simulations, even if the results will not be used directly.
    • Running simulations or experiments to determine production parameters for AI/ML model training (e.g., hyperparameter tuning, configuration testing, validation of stability under different settings).
    • Testing code or scripts in ways that mimic production workloads, such as large-scale simulations or model training, that are not explicitly part of the development or debugging process.

Note: This restriction applies regardless of the execution time of the jobs. For instance, jobs that involve testing for numerical stability, parameter optimization, or early-stage simulations should not be conducted on the debug/development partitions, even if the run times are under the partition's walltime limit.

Current available debug and development partitions at Pawsey are:

Table 1. Slurm partitions for debug and development on Setonix


N. Nodes

Cores per nodeAvailable node-RAM for jobsGPU chiplets per nodeTypes of jobs supportedMax Number of Nodes per JobMax Wall timeMax Number of Concurrent Jobs per UserMax Number of Jobs Submitted per User
debug82x 64230 GBn/aExclusive for development and debugging of CPU code and workflows.41h14
gpu-dev101x 64230 GB8Exclusive for development and debugging of GPU code and workflows.24h14

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