Completing an Application for Allocation

Completing an Application for Allocation

Each application for allocation for use of Pawsey Supercomputer Systems is assessed as to:

  • Its compliance with the eligibility of the scheme to which it is submitted
  • Its technical feasibility, in terms of appropriateness for the resources requested
  • Its scientific merit
Only a project proposal that fulfils the constraints of the particular scheme and that is deemed to be technically feasible is eligible to receive a compute-time allocation on a Pawsey Supercomputer. Within meritorious schemes, such as the Pawsey Partner Merit Allocation Scheme or the National Computational Merit Allocation Scheme, the process is conducted by an independent panel of computational researchers who prioritise and award compute time to eligible projects according to their scientific merit.

Allocations under NCMAS and the Pawsey Partner Scheme are all based on competitive merit. The scientific research and computational methodology assessment criteria are nearly identical between the schemes. Although how these criteria are scored and contribute to rankings between the schemes may differ, it is essential that you address all the criteria in the most appropriate way for your background and project.

Completing an application

To ensure Pawsey has the information needed to properly assess a proposal, a researcher should ensure they:

  • Meet the criteria of the call to which they are applying
  • Read the call text carefully and aim to address all points of consideration
  • Provide clear and complete information

Refer to the individual scheme pages for application details. (Note that NCMAS uses a different form and application portal to the Pawsey Partner Scheme.)

Researchers are encouraged to contact the Pawsey Helpdesk should they have any questions or comments regarding compute-time award schemes or allocations.

Allocation of compute time on Pawsey resources remains at the discretion of the Pawsey Executive Director.
The Director's decision regarding the assessment of a proposal or the allocation of compute time is final.

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