Project Discontinuation

Project Discontinuation

All supercomputing projects operate within a defined timeframe, marked by specific start and end dates for allocations. There are circumstances that may lead to the discontinuation of these projects. For example:

  • Projects that were previously funded through merit allocation schemes but do not extend into the new calendar year. This can occur in cases where researchers either did not apply for a new merit allocation or were not granted one.

  • Projects that involve one-time allocations, such as the Preparatory Access Scheme and the Fast Track Scheme.

It is crucial to understand that access and all data related to discontinued projects will be removed from all Pawsey systems, as outlined in the process described below.

At present, Pawsey executes this process at the start of each calendar year.

  1. Access to compute partitions will be deactivated, while access to copy partition will be available until 31st March of a given allocation cycle (calendar year).

  2. Data stored on the supercomputing system, as well as on Acacia, will be accessible until 31st March of a given allocation cycle (calendar year). After this timeframe, all data will be deleted, which includes data of all project members. Researchers are responsible for backing up their data using resources external to Pawsey.

  3. Researchers' accounts that are no longer associated with an active project allocation will be deactivated.

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