

Ansys is a multiphysics engineering simulation software for product design, testing and operation. It requires a licence. 

Due to the licence requirements, by default users cannot see the ansys modules when using module avail
Initially, you will need to log a support request to be added to the "ANSYS" group (Note that this groupname is capilatised)
to have access, and then you can both see the modules and load the modules. 

You need your own floating licence, running on a FlexLM server and you need to set two environment variables in your jobscript before invoking Ansys:


Note that you will need to change myflexlmserver.edu.au to the hostname of the licence server given to you by your institution. You might need to change the port numbers, if instructed.

ANSYS are improving their support for SLURM with each release.  If you encounter issues, you can try turning on debugging by setting some environment variables. 


For further help, contact the Pawsey service desk.

Related pages

See How to run Licensed Ansys Software for licence server information.

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