How to Write a Strong Competitive Merit Application

How to Write a Strong Competitive Merit Application

Australia's two national peak supercomputing centres are funded by the Australian Government and other stakeholders. Pawsey and NCI have a duty to taxpayers to maximise the returns on these significant investments. Access focuses on the merit of the research to be undertaken as the primary determinant for access, assessed in the context of appropriateness for the infrastructure being utilised.

Allocations have a dollar value and need to be made transparently. Thus applications are reviewed by committees of experts in their fields, with supporting advice from the relevant facility.

This document provides guidance on the merit allocation process, and how to create a competitive application. It does not supersede any rules or guidance provided in any Call for Applications.

Important information before you begin

Applications through competitive merit processes, by definition, are competitive. Most applications have merit, and most applicants are good researchers. Since supercomputers are a fixed size, and demand is often double what is available, prioritising allocations comes down to relative merit rather than absolute merit. An allocation that is lower than expected does not reflect the absolute merit of the research or researchers.

Supercomputers generally have a lifespan of four years, and historically after four years are replaced with a larger or more powerful resource. At the start of a machine's life, it might be able to satisfy the requirements of all applicants, with a capacity to spare. Over time new users come on board and the requirements of some projects grow, but the machine does not grow. Towards the end of the life of a machine, more projects mean the average allocation per project must be lower, even though each project may have larger requirements (which leads to frustration with long wait times in queues). It is easier to grow the size of allocations at the start of a machine's life, and difficult near the end.

Scoring and Ranking

In practice, the merit allocation meetings for all competitive merit schemes follow the same process.

  1. Administrative check
  2. Review and scoring
  3. Merit allocation meeting

Initially, applications are scored by the committee (or subset) according to the criteria for the scheme. Generally, applications for large allocations have more reviewers. Applications are matched to reviewers taking into account their areas of expertise and potential conflicts of interest. For merit allocation schemes where there is a technical component to the score, this part of the assessment and scoring is undertaken by Pawsey staff.

Applications are initially ranked by normalised (across reviewers) scores and placed into bands. Each application in a band receives a starting allocation which is a fixed proportion of the requested amount. Cutoffs between bands, as well as the initial allocation proportion for each band, vary depending on supply and demand, from year to year. This process is performed by the secretariat of the scheme, together with the Chair of the committee. Table 1 shows some example values based on the 2018 Pawsey Partner scheme.

Table 1. Example of allocation bands and cutoffs (2018 PPS data)
BandInitial allocation,
as a fraction of the request

It is important to remember that this is just a starting point in an iterative process. For example:

  • Some applications in band F may get their full request (due to a small request).
  • Some applications in A might get more than the initial cap (if high scoring and not all available time was allocated in the first iteration.
  • Some applications in band E may get an allocation of zero and be recommended for a cloud allocation (for example, for serial jobs or long-running jobs).

Figure 1. Example of scoring and ranking of applications (2018 PPS data)

The plot of rankings (Figure 1) shows how close most scores are, and thus how improving your score by say 10/100 can potentially result in a much larger allocation.


Following on from the scoring, ranking, and initial pass of allocations, the committees then go through all applications, one by one. They discuss each application and adjust the allocation based on ranking, explanations for discrepancies in past usage vs allocations, and any other points they may raise from the application, or from technical information provided by Pawsey.

Thus it is important to:

  • Obtain a strong initial score
  • Explain unused past allocations
  • Explain any increases in the amount applied for
  • Demonstrate why this particular supercomputer is required
  • Justify the amount requested via technical arguments

The committee may make several passes through the list of applications, to optimise allocations within the available time under the scheme, if demand exceeds supply.

The committee makes a recommendation of allocations to the directors of each facility (Pawsey and NCI). It is ultimately up to the facility directors to approve the allocations.

Criteria to fulfill

The following subsections are aligned to the assessment criteria for applications under the Pawsey Partner Scheme. NCMAS currently does not place the same weighting on technical criteria, however, it is strongly recommended to have these aspects covered in the application, as they still factor in discussions by the allocation committee.

0. Provide Information

Poor scoring may not translate to poor quality of the research or researchers. Rather, poor scoring may be due to insufficient information to justify awarding taxpayer-funded infrastructure. Information provided in an application needs to support the application and be concise. Before submitting an application, it is important to revisit the assessment criteria to ensure they are addressed.

As an example of adding concise and useful information, do not mention in a project title or abstract that the application is a continuation of a previous allocation, or is to support the research group. Such statements take up space and add no value in those places. it is useful to state that the application is to continue a previous allocation, but do this in the body of the application (and also state the name of the previous project).

I. Project Quality and Innovation (research criteria)

Discuss how this project is unique and in particular anything innovative about it. Examples include:

  • Applying an existing methodology to a new application (for example, with data analytics)
  • Bringing a methodology that is common in a different field of research into your own field
  • Pushing computational boundaries such as system size or precision

II. Investigators (research criteria)


Ensure that applicants are eligible. In particular, for NCMAS ensure that Lead CIs and CIs are CIs on no more than one application, otherwise, the applications may be rejected.

Pooling Applicants

It is generally advantageous to join with other researchers into a single application, particularly if in the same research group or same department. The exception to this is Early Career Researchers looking to establish their own funding track record.

The research record of the applicants is an assessment criteria, contributing directly to the score. When asked for, say, the top ten publications, a larger group should be able to produce a stronger list than an individual applicant. Similarly for patents, book chapters, prizes, and funding attracted by the group.

Given that applications ranked higher generally receive a higher proportion of their requested amount, it should be obvious that a single stronger application will achieve a higher total allocation than two weaker applications for half the amount each.


It is important to only list funding that can be attributed to the investigators. For grants, the name of an investigator must be on the grants. Listing of funding that is not under the control or influence of investigators will result in an application being rejected from NCMAS. If a project is run within an ARC Centre of Excellence, but the investigators are not listed on its funding, then do not include it. If you want to include it, then the people running the Centre of Excellence should be applying on your behalf.


The Pawsey form (used for the Pawsey Partner Scheme) asks for the list of publications of the CIs in the last 5 years in PDF format (max. 5MB and max. 4 pages). You need to mark with a “*” the publication where Pawsey was acknowledged. At least one publication must be authored by the lead CI. Also, provide the impact factor of the journals and citations received by the papers.

III. Benefit and Impact (research criteria)

Always be specific. Avoid broad statements such as "This research will benefit the field of computational chemistry," or "This research is significant." Better statements might be: "We are developing a new algorithm for optimising molecular modelling, which will impact drug design and drug delivery research," or "This new technology will improve the efficiency of photovoltaic cells by 5% without increasing production costs."

Where possible, relate the project outcomes to the Australian Government's science and research priorities.

Academic projects

It is important to highlight the significance of the outcomes to your own field of research, as well as to society. For the benefit of your research field, this should be specific and the language should be understandable by other researchers in the field. For the benefit to society, this should be understandable by researchers not within the field.

Engineering projects

If your project is not a traditional academic project that will impact the research field, you still need to highlight and quantify the outcomes. For example, for an industry-sponsored project, estimate the impact on the company or their customers. You should already know this, as you have convinced the industry partner to sponsor your research.

IV. Suitability (technical criteria)

Computational Methodology

Is the resource being used efficiently? Demonstrate the steps you are taking to optimise outcomes from a finite resource.

Are you using a compiled language such as Fortran/C/C++, or something less efficient such as Python, Matlab or Java? If you have a Python interface to a C/MPI library, focus your description on where most execution time is spent. Rapid prototyping for algorithm development is a sensible use of tools that are less efficient at runtime. If you do this, say it.

Are you using Numpy/Scipy instead of pure Python?

Are you using numerical libraries such as Petsc or ScaLAPACK? Or do you have a particular reason to use your own?

Have you taken efforts to profile and optimise your software or workflow? Perhaps you have participated in Pawsey uptake projects, or other collaborative efforts to analyse and improve your software.

Justify the Resource

The committee will consider whether you really need this resource, or if alternatives are available. If the resource being applied for has a specific feature, the committee will consider whether the feature is required, or could be used, or would not be used.

Some projects require very large jobs on a national peak supercomputer, for which they have no alternative. Projects which require a few nodes or less are very flexible in where they can run: a national peak supercomputer, a cluster, an institutional cluster, or even a cloud. On a supercomputer, software with distributed parallelism, such as MPI, is favoured over software with intra-node parallelism, such as OpenMP, which can run on cheaper infrastructure.

Some projects are data-intensive, and although they do not require much compute resource, they still require a national peak supercomputer for filesystem performance or large storage space.

Some software requires specific technology, such as GPUs. These projects will be prioritised over software that would just use the CPUs that host the GPUs.

Does the resource support your workflow?

What happens if your simulation requires longer than the maximum available wall time? If your software supports checkpoint/restart, make it clear in the application that this will be used. With checkpoint/restart, rather than a simulation taking 96 hours, it could run as four jobs of 24 hours each.

V. Scalability (technical criteria)

This overlaps with the suitability criteria, but particularly addresses the question of why you need to use a national peak supercomputer, and whether you can use it efficiently.

Performance and scalability data is historically lacking from many merit applications, and thus sets some applications above the rest.

Further to this, performance data based on a typical job you will run brings confidence to the requested allocation, as opposed to the requested amount appearing to be guessed or just based on last year's usage.

Performance and Scalability Data

Include scaling information for a typical job you will run. Do not include scaling information for someone else's job, such as a test case that is supplied with the software. Do not include scaling information from another system; that will count against you as you have failed to demonstrate that you have logged in to the target system, have the software running on the target system, and can run it at scale.

Here is a real-world example using NWChem:



Walltime (hours)

Cost (node hours)

























Mention which one of these you think is good and why. In the above, 1024 cores is the most efficient use of core hours, as well as giving good job walltime. For consistency, this choice should be used in the calculation of how much total allocation you require.

VI. Usage (technical criteria)

Explain unused past allocations, or large increases in usage

Explanations need to be made in the context of the number of users in a project.

For a single-user project, if the user was on parental or sick leave for six months, then this should be specified in terms of the number of months off. It is not sufficient to say that the user was on sick leave for a while, resulting in 10% usage. It is sufficient to say that the user was on sick leave for six months, resulting in 50% usage.

For a large research group, care needs to be taken in using one person's absence to justify a large reduction in usage.

If the project was waiting for some input data to become available, then how many months was the project delayed?

VII. Appropriateness of Request (technical criteria)

Justifying the Amount Requested

Usage of past allocations is important, as it demonstrates that the past allocations were not too large. However, the committee knows that unnecessary simulations can be run to pad the usage figures. It is important to provide data and an explanation that justifies the amount requested. 

It is important to provide benchmarking figures for typical jobs on the machine you are applying for, in terms of job size and wall time. Then estimate how many jobs will be required, extrapolating from your past usage. If you have a variety of job sizes, provide a few data points.

If you are not going to use all cores of a node, for example, if you require more memory per core, your total request needs to include the idle cores.

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