Internship Alumni

Internship Alumni

Be patient with us as we move this material to the NEW Pawsey Summer Internship Alumni page.

In the meantime, you can view intern videos:

Pawsey Summer Research Interns 2014-2015 - Podcast album on Vimeo

StudentProject TitleSupervisorsAffiliation
Ailin GuanImage Deblurring for improved 3D reconstructionsAndrew Woods, Dr Petra Helmholz, Joshua Hollick, Curtin University - HIVE
Alex BennetMeshing and Visualisation of large CFD datasetsBen Mullins, Andrew King, Ryan Mead-Hunter School of Public Health, Curtin University
Alexander BrayQuantum Collision Theory on SupercomputersIgor Bray, Prof Dmitry Fursa, A/Prof Alisher Kadyrov Theoretical Physics, Curtin University
Hannah KlinacData interaction using human-computer interaction devices on 3D displays.Dr Andrew Squelch, Yathunanthan Sivarajah, Paul BourkePawsey Supercomputing Centre
Jonathan Yeo3D Fish from VideoDirk Slawinski, Andrew Squelch, Fabio Boschetti, Damian ThomsonCSIRO
Lewis HowardQuantum Collision Theory on SupercomputersIgor Bray, Prof Dmitry Fursa, A/Prof Alisher Kadyrov, Theoretical Physics, Curtin University
Liu YiHigh Performance 3D ReconstructionDr. Petra Helmholz, Dr. Andrew Woods, Joshua Hollick, Dr. David BeltonDepartment of Spatial Sciences, Curtin University
Peter KroegerPower prediction for wave energy harvesting devicesAndrew King, Dr Tim Gourlay Dept Mechanical Engineering, Curtin University
Sam McSweeneyMassively Parallel Simulations for CarbonNigel Marks, Paolo Raiteri Physics Department, Curtin University
Samuel WarnockConnect the Kinect With Dome and Cylinder 3D Game-based EnvironmentsErik Champion School of Media Culture and Creative Arts, Faculty of Humanities, Curtin University
Thuy PhamSurface energy of water/alcohol mixturesChi M. Phan, Cuong V. Nguyen Department Of Chemical Engineering, Curtin University
Benjamin Courtney-BarrerA clock for the Square Kilometre ArrayDr Sascha Schediwy and Dr Richard Dodson ICRAR, UWA
Mitchell ChiewNew solutions for pulsar searching in the SKA eraDr Richard Dodson and Dr Ramesh Bhat ICRAR, UWA
Reece HarveyRadio galaxies as revealed by the GLEAM and AT20G surveysDr Tom Franzen and Dr John Morgan ICRAR, UWA
Kirsty ButlerThe galactic structures of radio galaxies - a first look at what GAMA can tell us about MWACs sourcesProfessor Carole Jackson and Professor Simon Driver ICRAR, Curtin University

iVEC Summer Research Interns 2013-2014

Asif Rayan Rasha 2013
Charlie Rawlins 2013
Connor Guilfoile 2013
Daniel Annesley 2013
Jake Sebastian-Jones 2013
JT Malarecki 2013
Martin Chu 2013
Matthew Young 2013
Monty Galloway 2013
Ryan Urquhart 2013
Samantha Chong 2013
Steele Alexander 2013
Steven Christian 2013
Tristan Hessell 2013
William Foskett 2013
Yu Jie Kan 2013

iVEC Summer Research Interns 2012-2013 - Podcast album on Vimeo

Anthony Heath2012
Dylan McCarthy2012
Jack Moore2012
Jackson Bailey2012
John Snadden2012
Josh Izaac2012
Joshua Hollick2012
Ken Di Vincenzo2012
Ken Hing, Yeong2012
Kyran Williamson2012
Matt Drage2012
Rebecca Tung2012
Scott Thomas2012
Stephen Andrews2012
Susannah Tweddle2012
Thomas Loke2012

iVEC Summer Research Interns 2011-2012 - Podcast album on Vimeo

Andrew Cannon 2011
Jonathan Goodwin2011
Grace Beven 2011
Chris Malajczuk 2011
Ran Li 2011
Harrison Black 2011
Jianxiong Dai 2011
Maryam Masoum 2011
Christopher Murphy2011
Nicholas Wyatt 2011
Steven Murray 2011

iVEC Summer Research Interns 2010-2011

Adrian Tompkins 2010
Ben Fitzpatrick 2010
Frank Yi Tan 2010
Gary Allwood 2010
Gavyn Riebau 2010
Jesse Helliwell 2010
John Hannagan 2010
John Iskra 2010
Michael Berrington2010
Ming Yi Wong 2010
Luke Axford 2010
Nicolas Garel 2010
Robert Howie 2010
Sarah Ting 2010
Scott Berry 2010
Gregoriy Tsaplin2010

iVEC Summer Research Interns 2009-2010

Arwin Kahlon 2009
Brock Woolf2009
Cara Kreck 2009
Dane Kleiner 2009
Daniel Beard 2009
Daniel Skates 2009
Jeremy Savage 2009
Mark Zammit 2009
Morag Scrimgeour 2009
Robert McMichael 2009
Stefan Westerlund 2009
Thom Beckerling 2009
Viet Nguyen 2009
William Baldwinson2009

iVEC Summer Research Interns 2008-2009

Arif Nugraha 2008
Junqiao Lee 2008
Sergey Koulikov 2008
Raymond Lang2008
Marc White 2008
Neil Osborne2008
Ashley Same2008
Natalie Smith2008
Sonomi Yoshimura2008

iVEC Summer Research Interns 2007-2008

Adin Sehic2007
Andrew Brown2007
Chris Dinneen2007
Dwi Panduwinata2007
Toby Potter2007
James Cosford2007
Elliot Khoo2007
Brandon Lau2007