User Training

User Training

Pawsey offers a range of in-person and online trainings, workshops, and activities to help you best use Pawsey resources: super compute, cloud compute, data, and visualisation.

Where do I go for more info? 

You can:

  • Sign up for upcoming training on the Pawsey Events page
  • Receive newsletters to hear about upcoming offerings (Pawsey Friends subscription).
  • View a one-stop shop for training recordings, materials, code samples (Github), etc. via the Training Portal
  • View targeted Playlists on our Pawsey YouTube (playlists)

Who should attend user training?

We recommend that current and future users of Pawsey’s computational resources - particularly users of Setonix and Acacia - attend user training to most effectively and efficiently use Pawsey resources.

Are there pre-requisites to user training?

Some course have specific pre-requisites or skills to attend the training. Those pre-requisites will be noted. Additionally: 

  • All course attendees: Require basic computer literacy, such as familiarity with the command line/Linux.
  • Advanced/Developer courses: Typically require experience programming in C/C++ or Fortran.

Can a training be tailored to my group? 

Much Pawsey training is relevant across scientific domains. This is called 'generic' training.

However, some training is best tailored to the application within a specific domain. This is called 'bespoke' training.  

To partner with Pawsey to create bespoke learning experiences for a large audience, please contact training@pawsey.org.au.