Versions Compared


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N. Nodes

Cores per nodeAvailable node-RAM for jobsGPU chiplets per nodeTypes of jobs supportedMax Number of Nodes per JobMax Wall timeMax Number of Concurrent Jobs per UserMax Number of Jobs Submitted per User
work13762x 64230 GBn/aSupports CPU-based production jobs.-24h2561024
long82x 64230 GBn/aLong-running CPU-based production jobs.196h496
highmem82x 64980 GBn/aSupports CPU-based production jobs that require a large amount of memory.196h296
debug82x 64230 GBn/a
Exclusive for development and debugging of CPU code and workflows
. Production jobs are not allowed
gpu1241x 64230 GB8Supports GPU-based production jobs.-24h--
gpu-highmem381x 64460 GB8Supports GPU-based production jobs requiring large amount of host memory.-24h--
gpu-dev201x 64230 GB8
Exclusive for development and debugging of GPU code and workflows.
Production jobs are not allowed.
copy71x 32115 GBn/aCopy of large data to and from the supercomputer's filesystems.-48h42048
askaprt1802x 64230 GBn/aDedicated to the ASKAP project (similar to work partition)-24h81928192
casda11x 32115 GBn/aDedicated to the CASDA project (similar to copy partition)-24h3040
mwa102x 64230 GBn/aDedicated to the MWA projects (similar to work partition)-24h10002000
mwa-asvo102x 64230 GBn/aDedicated to the MWA projects (similar to work partition)-24h10002000
mwa-gpu101x 64230 GB8Dedicated to the MWA projects (similar to gpu partition)-24h10002000
mwa-asvocopy21x 32115 GBn/aDedicated to the MWA projects (similar to copy partition)-48h321000

Table 2. Quality of Service levels applicable to a Slurm job running on Setonix

NamePriority LevelDescription
lowest0Reserved for particular cases.

Priority for jobs past the 100% allocation usage.

normal10000The default priority for production jobs.
high14000Priority boost available to all projects for a fraction (10%) of their allocation.
highest20000Assigned to jobs that are of critical interest (e.g. project part of the national response to an emergency).
exhausted0QoS for jobs for projects that have consumed more than 150% of their allocation.

Debug and Development Partitions Policy

Insert excerpt
Job Scheduling and Partitions Use Policies
Job Scheduling and Partitions Use Policies
nameDebug and Development Partitions Policy

Job Queue Limits

Users can check the limits on the maximum number of jobs that users can run at a time (i.e., MaxJobs) and the maximum number of jobs that can be submitted(i.e., MaxSubmitJobs) for each partition on Setonix using the command:



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