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There are multiple filesystems mounted to each of Pawsey's supercomputers. Each of these filesystems are designed for particular use cases. This page provides a detailed description of these filesystems.


Apart from /home, all are Lustre distributed filesystems. Lustre is an open-source, high performance parallel file system optimised for high throughput. 

The filesystems are different in many ways and are designed to facilitate different activities in supercomputing. The intended usage for each of them is explained below. Use outside of these purposes may cause poor performance for a particular activity as well as create detrimental impacts to other users.


The /software  filesystem is a Lustre file system with much higher throughput than /home. It is intended for software installations and Slurm batch script templates. Each project has an associated directory on the filesystem whose path is /software/projects/<project>. Within a project directory, each project member has his or her own directory whose full path, /software/projects/<project>/<username>, is contained in the MYSOFTWARE environment variable.


External links
