Excerpt |
There are multiple filesystems mounted to each of Pawsey's supercomputers. Each of these filesystems are designed for particular use cases. This page provides a detailed description of these filesystems. |
Due to its small quota limit and low performance, the /home
filesystem is not suitable for launching or storing production work. Files such as software installations and Slurm batch scripts should be stored on the /software
filesystem. Working data, such as job input and output, should use the /scratch
file system.should be stored on the /software
filesystem. Working data, such as job input and output, should use the /scratch
file system.
Hidden files
Home is often used by a variety of programs use store configuration files and directories along with some cached information. These directories can contain many files and use up quite a bit of storage. An example is vscode
, a popular source code editor, stores quite a bit of data within the .vscode-server
directory located in $HOME
. This directory can contain upwards of 1000 files and use on the order of 100 MB. This will impact your quota on home. We recommend moving such directories to /software/projects/<project>/<username>
and generating a symbolic link in $HOME
Column |
Code Block |
language | bash |
theme | DJango |
title | Terminal 1. Setup configuration directories on /software |
| $ mv .vscode-server $MYSOFTWARE/ # if .vscode_server already exists
$ mkdir $MYSOFTWARE/.vscode-server # if the directory does not exist yet
$ cd $HOME
$ ln -s $MYSOFTWARE/.vscode-server # generate a symbolic link, make sure you are in $HOME |
Software filesystem
The software filesystem is intended for software installations and Slurm batch script templates. Each project has an associated directory, /software/projects/<project>
, with a quota of 256 GB per project. (More can be allocated upon justified request.) Within the project directory, each project member has a subdirectory, /software/<projects>projects/<project>/<username>
, with a limit of 100,000 individual files per user.
All members of a project have read and write access to the /software/projects/<project>
directory, so it can be used for sharing software installations and batch script templates within a project. Your allocation of space on /software
exists for the duration of the project and is not subject to any automatic purging.
Column |
Code Block |
language | bash |
theme | DJango |
title | Terminal 12. List project storage usage |
| $ pawseyAccountBalance -storage
Storage Information
/software usage for project123, used = 899.54 GiB, quota = 1024.00 GiB |
Warning |
The software filesystem is not backed up. |
Column |
Code Block |
language | bash |
theme | DJango |
title | Terminal 23. List the default file permissions for a file created in /home |
| $ ls -ld myscript.sh
-rwxr-xr-x 1 username username 2 Nov 30 16:33 myscript.sh |
Column |
Code Block |
language | bash |
theme | DJango |
title | Terminal 34. List the default file permissions for a file created in /software |
| $ ls -ld swscript.sh
-rwxr-xr-x 1 username projectgroup 2 Nov 30 16:51 swscript.sh |
Column |
Code Block |
language | bash |
theme | DJango |
title | Terminal 45. Group ownership of a file |
| $ ls -ld /software/projects/projectgroup
drwxrws--- 46 root projectgroup 4096 Nov 29 09:06 /software/projects/projectgroup |
Column |
Code Block |
language | bash |
theme | DJango |
title | Terminal 56. Group ownership after moving a file from /home to /software |
| $ touch foo.txt
$ ls -ld foo.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 username username 0 Nov 29 17:02 foo.txt
$ mv foo.txt $MYSOFTWARE
$ ls -ld $MYSOFTWARE/foo.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 username username 0 Nov 29 17:03 /software/projects/projectgroup/username/foo.txt |
Column |
Code Block |
language | bash |
theme | DJango |
title | Terminal 67. Group ownership after copying a file from /home to /software |
| $ touch bar.txt
$ ls -ld bar.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 username username 0 Nov 29 17:05 bar.txt
$ cp bar.txt $MYSOFTWARE
$ ls -ld $MYSOFTWARE/bar.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 username projectname 0 Nov 29 17:06 /software/projects/projectname/username/bar.txt |
Column |
Code Block |
language | bash |
theme | DJango |
title | Terminal 78. Fix file and directory permissions on /software |
| $ find /software/projects/projectgroup/username ! -group projectgroup -exec chgrp projectgroup \{} \;
$ find /software/projects/projectgroup/username -type d ! -perm /g=s -exec chmod g+s \{} \; |
Code Block |
language | bash |
theme | DJango |
title | Terminal 89. Fix file and directory permissions on /scratch |
| $ find /scratch/projectgroup/username ! -group projectgroup -exec chgrp projectgroup \{} \;
$ find /scratch/projectgroup/username -type d ! -perm /g=s -exec chmod g+s \{} \; |
Column |
Code Block |
language | bash |
theme | DJango |
title | Terminal 910. /astro directories |
| $ ls -l /astro/
total 20
drwxrws--- 36 root mwaeor 4096 Oct 28 09:52 mwaeor
drwxrws--- 12 root mwaops 4096 Sep 30 16:31 mwaops
drwxrws--- 47 root mwasci 4096 Dec 11 16:56 mwasci
drwxrwsr-x 57 root mwavcs 4096 Dec 16 16:46 mwavcs
drwxrws--- 27 root pawsey0001 4096 Dec 17 12:22 pawsey0001 |
Column |
Code Block |
language | bash |
theme | DJango |
title | Terminal 1011. Using the df command to check usage |
| $ lfs df -h /astro/
UUID bytes Used Available Use% Mounted on
astrofs-MDT0000_UUID 542.1G 26.0G 479.4G 6% /astro[MDT:0]
astrofs-MDT0001_UUID 542.1G 32.7G 472.7G 7% /astro[MDT:1]
astrofs-OST0000_UUID 57.7T 26.6T 28.1T 49% /astro[OST:0]
astrofs-OST0001_UUID 57.7T 26.4T 28.4T 49% /astro[OST:1]
astrofs-OST0002_UUID 57.7T 25.9T 28.8T 48% /astro[OST:2]
astrofs-OST0003_UUID 57.7T 28.6T 26.2T 53% /astro[OST:3]
astrofs-OST0004_UUID 57.7T 26.9T 27.9T 50% /astro[OST:4]
astrofs-OST0005_UUID 57.7T 26.6T 28.2T 49% /astro[OST:5]
astrofs-OST0006_UUID 57.7T 26.3T 28.4T 49% /astro[OST:6]
astrofs-OST0007_UUID 57.7T 26.8T 28.0T 49% /astro[OST:7]
astrofs-OST0008_UUID 57.7T 26.8T 27.9T 50% /astro[OST:8]
astrofs-OST0009_UUID 57.7T 26.3T 28.5T 48% /astro[OST:9]
astrofs-OST000a_UUID 57.7T 26.6T 28.2T 49% /astro[OST:10]
astrofs-OST000b_UUID 57.7T 26.8T 28.0T 49% /astro[OST:11]
astrofs-OST000c_UUID 57.7T 25.6T 29.2T 47% /astro[OST:12]
astrofs-OST000d_UUID 57.7T 27.1T 27.6T 50% /astro[OST:13]
astrofs-OST000e_UUID 57.7T 27.0T 27.8T 50% /astro[OST:14]
astrofs-OST000f_UUID 57.7T 26.5T 28.3T 49% /astro[OST:15]
astrofs-OST0010_UUID 57.7T 37.3T 17.5T 69% /astro[OST:16]
astrofs-OST0011_UUID 57.7T 38.1T 16.7T 70% /astro[OST:17]
astrofs-OST0012_UUID 57.7T 37.5T 17.3T 69% /astro[OST:18]
astrofs-OST0013_UUID 57.7T 38.0T 16.7T 70% /astro[OST:19]
astrofs-OST0014_UUID 57.7T 38.0T 16.7T 70% /astro[OST:20]
astrofs-OST0015_UUID 57.7T 37.1T 17.6T 68% /astro[OST:21]
astrofs-OST0016_UUID 57.7T 37.1T 17.6T 68% /astro[OST:22]
astrofs-OST0017_UUID 57.7T 38.0T 16.7T 70% /astro[OST:23]
astrofs-OST0018_UUID 57.7T 37.4T 17.4T 69% /astro[OST:24]
astrofs-OST0019_UUID 57.7T 37.7T 17.1T 69% /astro[OST:25]
astrofs-OST001a_UUID 57.7T 38.3T 16.5T 70% /astro[OST:26]
astrofs-OST001b_UUID 57.7T 37.4T 17.4T 69% /astro[OST:27]
astrofs-OST001c_UUID 57.7T 37.5T 17.2T 69% /astro[OST:28]
astrofs-OST001d_UUID 57.7T 37.1T 17.7T 68% /astro[OST:29]
astrofs-OST001e_UUID 57.7T 37.8T 17.0T 70% /astro[OST:30]
astrofs-OST001f_UUID 57.7T 37.8T 16.9T 70% /astro[OST:31]
astrofs-OST0020_UUID 57.6T 34.6T 20.2T 64% /astro[OST:32]
astrofs-OST0021_UUID 57.6T 34.3T 20.5T 63% /astro[OST:33]
astrofs-OST0022_UUID 57.6T 34.9T 19.9T 64% /astro[OST:34]
astrofs-OST0023_UUID 57.6T 33.6T 21.1T 62% /astro[OST:35]
astrofs-OST0024_UUID 57.6T 33.5T 21.2T 62% /astro[OST:36]
astrofs-OST0025_UUID 57.6T 35.0T 19.7T 64% /astro[OST:37]
astrofs-OST0026_UUID 57.6T 33.7T 21.0T 62% /astro[OST:38]
astrofs-OST0027_UUID 57.6T 34.1T 20.6T 63% /astro[OST:39]
astrofs-OST0028_UUID 57.6T 33.5T 21.2T 62% /astro[OST:40]
astrofs-OST0029_UUID 57.6T 33.6T 21.1T 62% /astro[OST:41]
astrofs-OST002a_UUID 57.6T 34.2T 20.5T 63% /astro[OST:42]
astrofs-OST002b_UUID 57.6T 33.8T 21.0T 62% /astro[OST:43]
astrofs-OST002c_UUID 57.6T 34.9T 19.8T 64% /astro[OST:44]
astrofs-OST002d_UUID 57.6T 34.1T 20.7T 63% /astro[OST:45]
astrofs-OST002e_UUID 57.6T 33.8T 20.9T 62% /astro[OST:46]
astrofs-OST002f_UUID 57.6T 34.5T 20.2T 64% /astro[OST:47]
filesystem_summary: 2.7P 1.5P 1.0P 60% /astro |