Jobs Have Low Priority

Jobs Have Low Priority


Jobs are taking too long to start.


Check whether your project has used more than its quarterly allocation using pawseyAccountBalance. If usage is over the allocation, job priorities will be significantly lower. Any usage above an allocation should be regarded as a bonus.

Try to submit jobs that are shorter and smaller to fit in gaps in the queue.

Pawsey aims to ensure all researchers can fully utilise their allocation. Once a project has used its quarterly allocation, it is dropped significantly in priority. All projects over their allocation are dropped in priority equally. In this lower priority pool, job aging, fairshare and job size all affect priorities as usual.

In rare cases, Extraordinary Resource Requests may be granted.  This can include temporary priority boosts and reservations.

Pawsey will not top up projects that were awarded time via competitive merit. Many applicants in competitive schemes do not receive their full request, and ad-hoc top-ups undermine the independent assessment and allocation of these schemes.