VisIt on Setonix Remote Visualisation

VisIt on Setonix Remote Visualisation

VisIt is an Open Source, interactive, scalable, visualisation, animation and analysis tool. From Unix, Windows or Mac workstations, users can interactively visualise and analyse data ranging in scale from small (<10 core) desktop-sized projects to large (>1M core) leadership-class computing facility simulation campaigns. Users can quickly generate visualisations, animate them through time, manipulate them with a variety of operators and mathematical expressions, and save the resulting images and animations for presentations. VisIt contains a rich set of visualisation features to enable users to view a wide variety of data including scalar and vector fields defined on two- and three-dimensional (2D and 3D) structured, adaptive and unstructured meshes. Owing to its customise-able plugin design, VisIt is capable of visualising data from over 120 different scientific data formats.

Launching VisIt on Setonix Remote Visualisation

First, start a remote desktop session and launch a terminal. For details on how to do this, see Getting Started With Setonix Remote Visualisation.

Then, run the following commands to launch VisIt:

module load virtualgl/3.1 visit/3.2.2
vglrun visit

After executing these commands, the VisIt application windows will open: