Move an Instance to Another Project

Move an Instance to Another Project


You can move an instance and its attached data volume to another project which you or someone else manages. If there is no data volume, ignore the steps mentioning it.

This page:

Conceptually the process is as follows:

  • Create a snapshot of the instance root volume

  • Create a new volume from the snapshot

  • Transfer the data volume and new root volume to the other project

  • Create a new instance from the transferred root volume

    • Note that because a new instance is created, it will have a different IP address to the original one
  • Attach the transferred data volume to the instance

  • Clean up



  • If you do not have project access to both the sending and receiving projects, arrange timing and details with the person on the other project
  • Ensure the sending and receiving projects have enough quota for the additional resources
    • The sending project will be creating a snapshot and additional volume matching the root volume, typically 40GB
    • The receiving project will be receiving the whole data volume, and creating an additional instance
  • You can ask for help with any details, via help@pawsey.org.au

Send - from source project

  1. Shut down the instance, then detach the data volume

    • From this point do not turn the instance on again in the source project

  2. https://nimbus.pawsey.org.au/project/volumes/ in the Actions menu of the volume attached as /dev/sda or /dev/vda to the instance, Create Snapshot

  3. https://nimbus.pawsey.org.au/project/snapshots/ Create Volume from the snapshot

  4. https://nimbus.pawsey.org.au/project/volumes/ Create Transfer for the new volume and for the data volume

    • This will provide two credentials files, which you should save and provide to the admin of the destination project

Receive - in destination project

  1. https://nimbus.pawsey.org.au/project/volumes/ Accept Transfer to receive the root volume and the data volume

    • Use the contents of the credentials files to accept these transfers

  2. Once done, Launch Instance as if you are creating a new instance, with this setting

    • Source page, Select Boot Source: Volume

    • Select the transferred root volume

  3. Attach the transferred data volume to the instance, and mount it

    • sudo mount /dev/sdc /data

      • For instances created before May 2022: sudo mount /dev/vdc /data
    • Do NOT mkfs to wipe the volume

    • If the instance console shows errors mounting the data volume at boot time, you may need to attach the data volume then Soft Reboot Instance
  4. Confirm that the instance is working as expected before proceeding

    • In particular, configure ssh to suit your needs in the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file

Clean Up

In the source project:

  1. Delete the snapshot
  2. Delete the instance
  3. If you were granted additional quota in either project for the transfer, notify Nimbus admins so we can revert the temporary changes

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