Versions Compared


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Popular numerical routines and functions have been implemented by AMD to run on their GPU hardware. All of the following are available when loading the rocm/5.0.2  module  modules.

rocFFTFast Fourier Transform. Documentation pages (external site).
rocBLASrocBLAS is the AMD library for Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS) on the ROCm platform. Documentation pages (external site).
rocSOLVERrocSOLVER is a work-in-progress implementation of a subset of LAPACK functionality on the ROCm platform. Documentation pages (external site).


The default ROCm installation is rocm/5.2.3  provided by HPE Cray. In addition, Pawsey staff have installed the more recent versions up to  rocm/5.47.3  from source using ROCm-from-source. It is an experimental installation and users might encounter compilation or linking errors. You are encouraged to explore it during development and to report any issues. For production jobs, however, we currently recommend using rocm/5.2.3. We recommend the use of the latest available version unless it creates troubles in your code. Available versions can be checked with the command:

module avail rocm.

Submitting Jobs

You can submit GPU jobs to the gpu, gpu-dev and gpu-highmem Slurm partitions using your GPU allocation.
