Name | Year | Topic | Level | Documentation | Videos | GitHub | Short Description |
Using Supercomputers - User Training | 2024 | Supercomputing | Core | M01 - 01 Supercomputing Introduction.pdf M02 - 02 Logging In.pdf M03 - 03 Filesystems Overview.pdf M04 - 04 Moving Data In and Out.pdf M05 - 05 Using Software Modules.pdf M06 - 06 Using Software Containers.pdf M07 - 07 Accounting Model Overview.pdf M08 - 08 Job Scheduling Overview.pdf M09 - 09 Running Jobs.pdf M10 - 10 Testing Job Runs.pdf M11 - 11 Managing Project Data.pdf | (To be Updated)  | (To be Updated)  | The training is aimed at guiding 'New Users' through the basic steps and concepts required to interact with Setonix. |
Pawsey Internship Core training | 2023 | Intro to Unix Version control using Git Parallel computing and research workflows Introduction to supercomputing Mental health and wellbeing | Core | |  | | Core training presented by our 2023/24 interns. |
AMD Profiling | 2023 | Supercomputing | Core | Slides - AMD Profiling Slides |  | | The AMD profiling workshop covers the AMD suite of tools for development of HPC applications on AMD GPUs. You will learn how to use the rocprof profiler and trace visualization tool that has long been available as part of the ROCm software suite. You will also learn how to use the new Omnitools, Omnitrace and Omniperf that were introduced at the end of 2022. |
Evaluate Application Performance using TAU and E4S | 2023 | Supercomputing | Core | Slides - TAU Slides |  | | In this workshop, you will learn about the Extreme-scale Scientific Software Stack and the TAU Performance System® and its interfaces to other tools and libraries. The workshop includes sample codes that illustrate the different instrumentation and measurement choices. |
Survival C and C++ for HIP and OpenCL | 2023 | Supercomputing | Core | Notes - Survival C/C++ |  |  | This workshop is designed to equip participants with “Survival C++”, an understanding of the basic syntax, how information is encoded in binary format, and how to compile and debug C++ software. |
HIP Workshop | 2023 | Supercomputing | Core | L1 -Introduction L2 - Using HIP on Setonix L3 - Matrix Multiplication L4 - Debugging L5 - Profiling Download all course material here. |  |  | In this series of modules, you'll learn how to build essential skills in developing HIP applications. The focus is on supercomputing generally AND specifically with Pawsey's Setonix supercomputer. The Heterogeneous Interface for Portability (HIP) provides a programming framework for harnessing the compute capabilities of multicore processors, such as the MI250X GPU’s on Setonix. This series is led by Dr. Toby Potter, Pelagos Consulting, in collaboration with the specialists of the Pawsey Supercomputing Research Centre. |
HIP Advanced | 2023 | Supercomputing | Advanced | |  | | |
OpenCL Workshop | 2023 | Supercomputing | Core | |  |  | Supercomputers make use of accelerators from a variety of different hardware vendors, using devices such as multi-core CPU’s, GPU’s and even FPGA’s. OpenCL is a way for your HPC application to make effective use of heterogeneous computing devices, and to avoid code refactoring for new HPC infrastructure. Topics covered in this course are : - Introduction to OpenCL - How to build and run applications on Setonix with OpenCL and MPI - Matrix multiplication with OpenCL – fully explained line by line - How to debug OpenCL applications and kernels - Measure performance with OpenCL Events and open source tools - Memory management - Coarse and fine-grained shared memory - Strategies for building optimised OpenCL kernels - Optimise IO performance with asynchronous operations |
Introduction to Containers on HPC | 2022 | Containers | Core | Introduction to Containers on HPC | |  | This course will introduce you to using containers in HPC environments and on Pawsey Supercomputing Research Centre systems. |
Nextflow Training Workshop (External) | 2022 | Data | Intermediate | Nextflow training workshop |  |  | Nextflow enables scalable and reproducible scientific workflows. This workshop is a deep dive into its most prominent features. |
Pawsey Merit Allocation Training | 2022 | Supercomputing | Core | Pawsey Merit Allocation Training |  | | Setonix overview and merit allocation schemes for 2022. |
ROCm Learning Centre (External) | 2022 | Supercomputing | Advanced | ROCm Learning Centre |  | | ROCm Learning Center offers resources to developers looking to tap the power of accelerated (GPU) computing. |
Using Supercomputers – User Training | 2022 | Supercomputing | Core | M01 -Introduction M02 - Logging In M03 - Filesystem Overview.pdf M04 - Moving data in and out M05 - Using software modules M06 - Using software containers M07 - Accounting model overview M08 - Job scheduling overview M09 - Running jobs M10 - Testing job runs M11 - Managing project data |  |  | The training is aimed at guiding 'New Users' through the basic steps and concepts required to interact with a supercomputer. |
Setonix Migration | 2022 | Supercomputing | Core | Ph1- 01 - Getting Started with Setonix Ph1- 02 - Supercomputing File Systems Ph1- 03 - Using Modules and Containers Ph1- 04 - Installing and Maintaining Software Ph1- 05 - Submitting and Monitoring Jobs Ph1- 06 - Using Data Throughout the Project Lifecycle |  | | This contains materials used by Pawsey when conducting its Setonix Migration Training in 2022. After Setonix Migration finishes, this page will no longer be available. From that point, foundational Setonix information will be contained in Pawsey's core training modules. |
Acacia Workshop | 2022 | Data | Core | Acacia Workshop Material | Image Modified | | This workshop introduces the Acacia object store and discusses how to use it from Setonix and your computer. |
UNIX Training Refresher | 2022 | Supercomputing | Core | Slides - Bash shell basics |  |  | This is a concise refresher on the basic commands available with the Bash Shell. It is designed as a prerequisite module to the Supercomputing User Training. |
Introductory Unix Workshop (2022/2023 Internship Resources) | 2022 | Supercomputing | Core | |  |  | This session is an introduction to the Unix shell for those who are new to the topic. The content is based on the Software Carpentries "The Unix Shell" workshop, however, the content has been substantially altered to fit the needs of the Pawsey Internship cohort(s) |
Intermediate Unix Workshop (2022/2023 Internship Resources) | 2022 | Supercomputing | Core | |  |  | This session is an extension of the 'Introductory UNIX workshop'. The session further covers Bash syntax explores useful UNIX commands and tools. The topics covered are: BASH scripts with command-line arguments. Reusing code in BASH scripts with functions. Controlling the logic of BASH scripts with if statements, for loops, case statements and arrays. The behaviour and variable scope of subshells. Sophisticated string searching with regular expressions. Processing text data with sed and awk.
Version Control with Git (2022/2023 Internship Resources) | 2022 | Supercomputing | Core | |  |  | An introduction to the software version control using Git and GitHub. The content is based on the Software Carpentries "Version Control with Git" workshop; however, the content has been substantially altered to fit the needs of the Pawsey Internship cohort(s). |
Introduction to Parallelism and Supercomputing Workflows (2022/2023 Internship Resources) | 2022 | Supercomputing, Data, Containers | Core | |  |  | This session aims to provide a general idea of parallel computing, exploring what is parallel computing, types of parallelism, concurrency vs parallelism and other useful terms. You will also be introduced to the following topics : |
Introduction to Supercomputing - Part 1, 2 and 3 (2022/2023 Internship Resources) | 2022 | Supercomputing | Core | |  | | |
Develop with CUDA | 2021 | Supercomputing | Intermediate | Develop with Cuda | |  | GPU programming essentials with CUDA. |
High-Performance Computing with Python (External) | 2021 | Supercomputing | Advanced | High-Performance Computing with Python |  |  | The course shows how Python can be used on parallel architectures and how to optimize critical parts of code using various tools. |
Introduction to the Pawsey Supercomputing Research Centre | 2021 | Supercomputing, Data, Cloud, Visualisation | Core | Introduction to Pawsey |  | | Advancing science through supercomputing. |
Introducing Remote Visualisation | 2021 | Visualisation | Core | Introducing remote visualisation |  | | Introduction to remote visualisation facilities at Pawsey. |
Optimising Serial Code | 2021 | Supercomputing | Intermediate | Optimising Serial Code | |  | Introduction to serial code optimisation. |
Designing Containers for Python and Radio-Astronomy (tutorial series), September 2020 | 2020 | Containers | Intermediate | Designing containers for Python and Radio-Astronomy |  |  | Hands-on practice with the development of Python containers for radio-astronomy on HPC. |
Kokkos Lecture Series (External) | 2020 | Supercomputing | Advanced | Kokkos tutorials |  |  | Kokkos implements a programming model in C++ for writing performance portable applications targeting all major HPC platforms. This series presents an extensive introduction into everything necessary to start using Kokkos. |
Using Containers in Bioinformatics (workshop series) | 2020 | Containers | Intermediate | Singularity Containers for Bioinformatics |  |  | This workshop provides an interactive forum to explore the merits, advantages and limitations of applying containers in bioinformatics. |
Using Containers with OpenFOAM (workshop series) | 2020 | Containers | Intermediate | OpenFoam Containers at Pawsey |  |  | Hands-on practice with the use of OpenFOAM containers for computational fluid dynamics on HPC. |
Using the Nimbus Research Cloud Series | 2020 | Cloud | Core | Using Nimbus: Cloud computing at Pawsey |  |  | This course will introduce you to the use of Nimbus, the research cloud at Pawsey Supercomputing Centre. |
Visualising Data with ParaView Part 1, 2020 | 2020 | Visualisation | Core | ParaView Part 1 | | | Visualisation using ParaView. |
Visualising Data with ParaView Part 1, 2020 | 2020 | Visualisation | Core | ParaView Part 2 | | | Visualisation using ParaView. |
Webinar and Tutorial Series on Containers | 2020 | Containers | Intermediate | Slides - Containers on HPC and Cloud Tutorial - Containers on HPC and Cloud with Singularity |  |  | Software portability, data reproducibility, scaling to HPC. This series answers key questions about containers. |
Develop with MPI | 2018 | Supercomputing | Intermediate | Parallelize your code with MPI | |  | Introduction to parallel programming with MPI. |
Develop with OpenACC | 2018 | Supercomputing | Intermediate | Introduction to OpenACC | |  | Accelerate code on GPUs with OpenACC. |
Develop with OpenMP | 2018 | Supercomputing | Intermediate | Parallelize your code with OpenMP | |  | Introduction to parallel programming with OpenMP. |
Quantum Bootcamp -week 1 | 2024 | Quantum | Core | Day 01-Deutsch-Jozsa Algorithm. Day01- Quantum Computing History and Recap Day 02 - Quantum Advantage Day 02-Quantum Phase Estimation Day 03-Current landscape for Quantum Computing Day 03-Grover’s Search Algorithm Day 03-Quantum Computing and industry Day 03-VQEs |  |  | This set of workshops will provide an overview of the different types of quantum algorithms that have played a significant role in shaping the landscape for the field of quantum computing. Through the lens of these algorithms, you will learn how the field has developed over the past few decades and what potential changes that might bring to the world of computing, while learning the basics of how to implement them in AWS Braket. |
Quantum Bootcamp- Week 2 | 2024 | Quantum | Core | | | | |
QueRa Training - Session 1 | 2024 | Quantum | Core | |  |  | |
AMD ROCm Training (External) | 2024 | Supercomputing | Core | AMD ROCm™ Developer Hub |  | | AMD ROCm Developer Hub AMD ROCm™ is open software for accelerated compute offering a code once, use everywhere approach. Access all ROCm developer resources here — from documentation, to training webinars, to the latest blogs, and more -AMD ROCm™ Developer Hub |