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Code Block
titleListing 16. Job packing small multithreaded tasks example
#!/bin/bash --login

# SLURM directives
# Here we specify to SLURM we want two nodes (--nodes=2) with
# a wall-clock time limit of twenty minutes (--time=00:20:00).
# Replace [your-project] with the appropriate project name
# following --account (e.g., --account=project123).

#SBATCH --account=[your-project]
#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=4 	#this directive is required on setonix to request 4 tasks on each node
#SBATCH --ntasks=8 				#this directive is required on setonix to request a total of 8 tasks 
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=32 		#this directive is required on setonix to request 32 CPU cores for each task for the OpenMP threads
#SBATCH --mem=96G
#SBATCH --time=00:20:00 

# Set number of OpenMP threads

#Specific settings for the cluster you are on
#(Check the specific guide of the cluster for additional settings) 

# Launch the job.
# Here we use 8 instances (-n 8) with 4 per node with two instances per socket,
# or NUMA region. Each instance requests 32 cores -c 32 (via -c $OMP_NUM_THREADS)
srun -N 2 -n 4 -c ${OMP_NUM_THREADS}  --cpu_bind=sockets -m block:block:block ./
